Thursday, November 19, 2015

Macbeth 4.3

Macbeth 4.3
Do now: In table groups: Discuss Macduff’s line: “Confusion now hath made his masterpiece:/ Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope/ The Lord’s anointed temple and stole thence/ The life o’th’building” (Act 2.3.76-9). What is being personified?  Paraphrase.

  • analyze figurative language in Act 2.3
  • examine Shakespeare’s use of the Ancient Greek drama technique of a chorus in Act 2.4
  • work effectively in book club groups
  • effectively track an image in the play

1. do now
2. Continuation from yesterday: The Porter Scene

  • list different people who could be “knocking”
  • draw conclusions: what satirical commentary could the porter be giving about the types of people “knocking”?
  • Why does Shakespeare include this speech? (consider concrete options as well as deeper-level suggestions)
3. table groups: discuss the importance of the following quotes (identify figurative language!) (5-7 minutes)
“Had I but died an hour before this chance,/ I had lived a blessed time, for form this instant,/ There’s nothing serious in mortality” (2.3.107-9).
“Where we are,/ There’s daggers in men’s smiles; the nea’er in blood,/ The nearer bloody” (2.3. 164-66).
4. Class: re-read Act 2.4
  1. why does Shakespeare include a random character (Old man)?
  2. what information do we learn from this short scene?  Anything new?  Why do you think Shakespeare includes this scene?
5. Book Club Groups- 1 mod
6. Imagery Groups- 1 mod
7. Summarizer

HW: Revised essay due FRIDAY. Read Act 3.1. Enter an image into the log.

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