Friday, November 6, 2015

Macbeth 2.4

Macbeth 2.4
Do now: define the words equivocate and beguile.  Use both in a sentence (socrative) (5 minutes)

  • annotate a soliloquy for pronoun antecedent, imagery, and character development
  • identify the expectations of the imagery log assignment

  1. do now
  2. In table groups: “If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well It were done quickly.” What does this mean? What observations can you make about Shakespeare’s word choice in this line (consider: this is the opening line of Macbeth’s first soliloquy) (5 minutes)
  3. Download the “Macbeth's Transformation: Close reading of selected speeches” handout to notability
  4. Activity (15 minutes):
    1. Re-read Macbeth’s soliloquy.  
    2. Underline every pronoun (I/He, etc.)
    3. Annotate what each pronoun is referring to
    4. There are 7 sentences- write paraphrases for each sentence (keeping it to 7 sentences)
    5. Highlight all the euphemisms Macbeth uses to refer to Duncan's death (example: "it" "the deed")
    6. Identify literary devices-- especially imagery, similes, metaphors
    7. Write 1-2 sentences that describe how Macbeth’s mindset changes over the course of the speech (identifying that he goes from ___ to ___ to finally ____)

5. Class discussion: re-read the rest of the scene.  What is Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship like?  What predictions can we make? (15 minutes)
6. Download the “Santiago Imagery Log” assignment handout.  Discuss as a class. (5 minutes)
7. Summarizer

HW: Finish the Macbeth annotation by Wednesday

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