Monday, November 9, 2015

Macbeth 3.1

Do now: Submit your top three choices for imagery groups on socrative (there is a series of questions running)

  • identify the required elements of the imagery log assignment
  • list their choices of image to trace in the play
  • actively watch a filmed performance of Macbeth and analyze the director’s choices
  • identify Shakespeare’s use of juxtaposition in Act one

  1. do now
  2. Review the imagery log assignment
  3. Film: watch the opening scenes from the play
  4. Review the format of the Act One quiz (which will be on FRIDAY)
  5. Begin journal assignment #3
  6. Handback TFA rubrics
  7. Summarizer

1)Finish annotating Macbeth’s speech (from Friday),
2) finish Journal #3,
3) Print TFA essay (or at least the introduction and one full body paragarph)
4) Bring ORB

FOR FRIDAY: Act One quiz

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