10 Honors Course Syllabus

10 Honors English         tlockwoodsantiago@belmontschools.net
Ms. Santiago          

Welcome to Sophomore Year and to English class!  The major focus of this class comes from these essential questions:  

  • In literature and in our lives, how is identity influenced by cultural expectations, norms, and values?
  • How can we move beyond the “single story” we have of other cultures?
  • What is the role of literature in creating social and political commentary?  

We will examine these essential questions as we read and discuss Macbeth, Things Fall Apart, Oedipus Rex, 1000 Splendid Suns, Slaughterhouse-Five, dystopian novels and short stories, poems, and articles throughout the year.


This year we will work to develop diverse and complex answers to the essential questions in literature through critical thinking, discussion, debate, reading and writing.  We will work on persuasive writing, debate, and writing for social activism purposes in the second half of the year.  Students will also be required to complete an outside reading book for three quarters.  We will continue to work on building skills in grammar, argument, and story-telling throughout the year through a writing workshop-based classroom.


Classroom Community:  We must respect one another and our diverse opinions in order to foster a cooperative environment in our classroom.  Please do your best to be a positive influence in class!  We must work towards an environment in which all students’ ideas and opinions are valued.  

Attendance:  Please make yourself aware of the school’s attendance policy.  It is your responsibility to be aware of assignments even when you are not in class- these are always available on our daily agendas on Google Drive.  You have twice the number of days you are absent excused to make up missed work.

Parents/guardians will be notified if an unexcused absence occurs.  For the first two unexcused absences, students will receive a zero on work due that day and work completed in class that day, three points will be deducted from your grade.  With the third unexcused absence, the student will receive a failing grade for the quarter.

If you are absent-excused on a day of a deadline, a quiz, or a test, you are responsible for scheduling a make-up quiz or test on the day you return.  If you are in the school building for any reason on the day of absence, you are still responsible for the work due that day.  

If you are late to class, you will receive a warning. On the day of a third tardy, your parents will be contacted. For the fourth and each subsequent tardy, a point will be automatically deducted from your quarter grade.

* If you are more than fifteen minutes late to class, it is an unexcused tardy.

Homework:  Nightly homework will not be accepted late and will be counted as a 0 for your homework grade.  You will not be able to submit an assignment during class time.

Deadlines:  Each day a paper or project is late, you will be deducted 10 points.  If you anticipate needing an extension for a legitimate reason, it is your responsibility to inform me of your circumstances at least 24 hours ahead of the due date.  

Feedback:  Consider the feedback you receive from me and from your peers as helpful advice on how to improve your writing skills through editing and thoughtful revision.  You will be given chances to self-assess your own essays and creative writing pieces throughout the year based on peer and teacher feedback.

iPads: Please bring your charged iPads to class every day. You will be held responsible for using iPads only for class-related activities. If you use your iPad in class for playing games, texting, drawing, or other non-class related activities, your Classroom Community grade for that day will be entered as a “zero,” which will negatively influence your quarter grade. Please be responsible with your technology!

Exams/ Projects: 30%
Essays/Creative Writing Pieces: 35%
Homework: 10%
Classroom Community (includes respectful behavior and daily active participation in activities/small and large group discussions): 10%
Quizzes (includes ORB projects and mini-Socratic Seminars): 15%

Materials:  Please have the following for every class meeting:

Charged iPad, current novel/text, outside reading book (ORB), assignment notebook

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