Friday, February 12, 2016

PWU 2.4

Do now: In table groups, review your MLK graphic organizer for the APPEALS (7 minutes)


  • identify effective use of appeals in MLK's "I Had a Dream" Speech
  • identify effective performance characteristics of MLK's "I Had a Dream" speech
  • use technology to research controversial topics
1. do now
2. Class: discuss MLK's performance-- what were the most effective aspects of the deliverance?
3. Individual: research the following 4 controversial topics.  You may use newspapers or databases to research them.
  1. Should  there be more restrictions on gun ownership?
  2. Should schools offer tracking for students (i.e. different levels- CP, Honors, AP, etc.)?
  3. Should Syrian refugees be allowed into the United States?
  4. Should the United States have capital punishment?
4. Socrative: List your top TWO controversial issue choice.  NOTE: YOU WILL NOT PICK A PRO/CON SIDE. 

HW: Enjoy break!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

PWU 2.2

PWU 2.2
Do now: In table groups, review your answers for the logical fallacies practice questions
  • identify logical fallacies
  • define the three types of appeals
  • identify appeals in famous speeches/ letters

  1. do now
  2. Review: “Intro to Argument” notes-- ethos, pathos, logos
  3. Individual: read Vonnegut’s letter.  Can you identify any use of appeals?
  4. Class: Walk MLK’s “I have a dream” speech
  5. Individual: review the transcript of MLK’s speech- what can you identify?
  6. If time: media bias slide show

HW: Finish the MLK speech analysis

Friday, February 5, 2016

Letter from English Department Head about Ms. Santiago's maternity leave

Please find Mrs. Rinder's letter about Ms. Santiago's maternity leave here.
Do now: In table groups, discuss any logical fallacies you found last night


1. do now
2. Share findings
3. Logical fallacies- in handout packet
4. Direct TV
5. All-State
6. PWU Packet: Logical Fallacies practice, p 5-8 
7. Read Vonnegut’s banned book article on p. 10- does Vonnegut use any appeals?  
8. Summarize: why must we be on the lookout for logical fallacies in people’s arguments and speeches?

HW: Finish logical fallacies practice questions

Thursday, February 4, 2016

PWU 1.3

PWU 1.3
Do now: take out the “On Using Argument” article and review
  • identify main ideas of argument
  1. do now
  2. Download the “PWU handouts packet”
  3. Table groups: answer the “On Using Argument” discussion questions
  4. Find examples of logical fallacies in advertising/politics- where is there faulty logic? (use Google search)
  5. Summarize: How do we know what moral action is “best” when faced with a choice? How do we know right from wrong? Where does that knowledge come from? Is it taught or innate?

HW: name and define 3 appeals