Thursday, January 14, 2016

American Born Chinese 1.3

American Born Chinese 1.3
Do now: write a quick 5 minute free write on their thoughts/feelings regarding stereotypes.

  • Students will familiarize themselves with the concept of stereotypes in relation to both the introductory text and their personal experience.

  1. do now
  2. Discussion:
  • What is a stereotype? What are some examples? (high school stereotypes: nerd, jock, cheerleader, punk, etc)
  • How do these make you feel?
  • Delve more specifically and in-depth into racial stereotypes. Why is this still such an insistent, ongoing issue even today?
  1. Video clips:

  1. When can stereotyping be offensive? (Smartboard)
  2. Read pages 87-160
  3. Summarizer

HW: read pages 87-160

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