Thursday, October 15, 2015

TFA 4.3

TFA 4.3

DO NOW: Review with a partner (5 min):
  1. For how many years is Okonkwo away from his clan?
  2. Who does Okonkwo call a “great abomination”?
  3. Who does Okonkwo wish was a boy?
  4. Who is Ogbuefi Ugonna?
  5. What is the role of the District Commissioner?
  6. Why is money flowing into Umuofia?
  7. What is the name of the first white preacher in Umuofia? The second?
  8. Name 1 sacred rule that Enoch violates.
  9. Why does the first preacher leave his flock in Umuofia?
  10. What do the egwugwu do at the end of ch 22 in response to one of Enoch’s violations?

  • identify  reasons for  Christianity’s spread in Igboland.

1. do now
2. Discussion ch 20-22- 10 minutes/3-2-1 journal/predictions
3. Discuss: Respond to the final paragraph on p 176- “The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion.  We were amused…and we have fallen apart.” (176)
4. Individual: Reading SS poems/ begin annotations
5. ORB- silent reading
6. Summarize: What are some of the reasons Christianity is taking such a strong hold over Igboland?

HW- Read Ch 23-24 + 3-2-1 Discussion Journal;  thoroughly annotate the three Socratic Seminar poems- we will have a graded discussion on MONDAY.

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